As we usually say Americans is the greatest country in the world by having strong politic, economic and national love country, this doesn’t mean we are safe. In other way show us we may feel were not necessarily safe. Think about it every second of the day, some terrible news come up. Unfortunately we need to think Good we are an exceptional country where each person has right to express his passion about the greatness of this Country.

According to the Secretary of State John Kerry’s opinion, “The country we're as safe as we've ever been.” He said. He might probably right or wrong. Let look April 15, 2013, attack of he Boston Marathon. Two bombs explode 8-12 seconds of each other. This tells the nation we are unsecure. Something bad may happen any time.

The leader needs to deal with these two things Terrorism and Guns Self-defense to provide peace in the country.

Most people know terrorism is violence by individuals or subnational groups to obtain a political or social objective through the intimidation of a large audience. This bring many problems in the nation. It may cause a huge economic consequence by displacing people and diverting foreign investment

Guns self-defense. As we know the primary goal of self-defense is to avoid becoming the victim of violence. The best way to do this is to not be where violence is likely to occur. Again, if the government authorize all nation to use gun as self-defense, this contribute in the country to arise a huge number of terrorism.

The best way to solve this problem is to teach nation to say” If You See Something, Say Something” this may help the department of safety to provide service before something bad happen.