As we usually say Americans is the greatest country in the world by having strong politic, economic and national love country, this doesn’t mean we are safe. In other way show us we may feel were not necessarily safe. Think about it every second of the day, some terrible news come up. Unfortunately we need to think Good we are an exceptional country where each person has right to express his passion about the greatness of this Country.

According to the Secretary of State John Kerry’s opinion, “The country we're as safe as we've ever been.” He said. He might probably right or wrong. Let look April 15, 2013, attack of he Boston Marathon. Two bombs explode 8-12 seconds of each other. This tells the nation we are unsecure. Something bad may happen any time.

The leader needs to deal with these two things Terrorism and Guns Self-defense to provide peace in the country.

Most people know terrorism is violence by individuals or subnational groups to obtain a political or social objective through the intimidation of a large audience. This bring many problems in the nation. It may cause a huge economic consequence by displacing people and diverting foreign investment

Guns self-defense. As we know the primary goal of self-defense is to avoid becoming the victim of violence. The best way to do this is to not be where violence is likely to occur. Again, if the government authorize all nation to use gun as self-defense, this contribute in the country to arise a huge number of terrorism.

The best way to solve this problem is to teach nation to say” If You See Something, Say Something” this may help the department of safety to provide service before something bad happen.

Friday, May 15, 2015


According to David‘s argumentation about two categories of school; this problem is not only in the us, but this is a common issue in the world. As we know the knowledge is the right for everyone to get also teaching style is one the most quality significant factors related to student achievement.
The wealthier school is comparable to the privet school. Some advantages we can see in this type of school is parent involvement.  This kind of school is built around open communication between parents and administration. This way makes this school more valuable and strong than other school. The wealthier school student has more chance to be academically challenged, exposed to many task, safe environment, and the school cost a lot of money than other school.
The second type is for poor people. In general, this type of school is where we can find many students from different places. The advantage in this category of school is this there is not requirement of age to be admitted, and there is a lot of opportunity to meet with other and learn to negotiate with other point of view an understanding people diverse background and values.  Here is the place where we can find a lot of the international students.
As longer people get knowledge, there are not big different between this two category of school. The main point we can concluded with is to encourage the nation for getting knowledge as many they can.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Look Forward to The Future

The United States still the most powerful country in the world by using’s people to help other countries. Today, you can listen or watch on TV how much the American citizen are victims in different catastrophe around the world.
Helping other is very great, but in other ways makes our nation to feel very bad. Let take the example our military. When someone signs to join the US army did not sign up to help other countries. The American join the army primary is to help or defend the United State on America no other. This makes most of the young people to do not join the army and our families stop them kids to do not have the idea to help the country in that way. The question is this “If the American Army go into another country to try and help, the perhaps they would be able to save some live, but how much good would we be doing if we saved their live, but lost ours?”
My conclusion, I can say us government has a good organization politics and solve other’s problems, but we still have a big problem here than other countries. We are not yet solve ourselves, we always hear everyday people are killed, a lot of manifestations, all those are the symbols of lack of peace. The US government needs watch this problem very quickly because if not, we may have difficult in the future in defense department and cause the country to become weak